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We perform a variety of procedures in our dedicated theatre room, including:

  • Routine Desexing

  • Lump Removals

  • Abdominal Surgery

  • Soft tissue Surgery

  • Basic Orthopaedic Procedures

  • Caesareans

  • Cruciate repairs

  • Stitch ups


We understand that although these surgeries may be routine for our vets, pet owners often experience anxiety when scheduling these procedures. Every procedure is performed with the utmost care ensuring all possible precautions are taken to provide the best recovery for your pet. 


All of our patients who receive general anaesthetics are provided with:

  • Intravenous catheters

  • Optional pre-operative blood tests (mandatory for patients over 7 years)

  • Fluid therapy

  • Pre-anaesthetic sedation

  • Oxygen therapy

  • ECG monitoring as well as nurse monitoring

  • Heat mats and comfortable bedding

  • Cuddles and so much more

Golden Dog


Alarmingly, up to 80% of dogs and 70% of cats suffer from some form of dental disease by merely the age of three. Animals are very good at hiding pain, so this often goes undetected. This is why regular dental health checks are so important (and are included in annual vaccination appointments). During this visit a vet can assess their gums, mouth and teeth to determine if there are any signs or plaque build-up, infection or gingivitis. Dental disease, if left untreated or detected, can cause tooth abscesses and bacteria which can result in heart, liver, and kidney health problems. Fortunately, in most cases, dental disease is preventable and treatable. If a dental surgery is required an approximate estimate on price can be given and you can book in your pet on a weekday that suits you.


Pets are admitted in the morning and discharged later that afternoon. On discharge the nurse or vet will explain the results of dental work including how many teeth were extracted, medications dispensed and the aftercare required.



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